Lima St

Church of God



The Lima Street Church of God is part of the body of Christ. We associate with Spirit filled believers worldwide. Our family includes all the saints in heaven. 

We have no denominational affiliation.


2020: $118,000 sanctuary renovation

2006: Brother Joshua and Sister Jeri Lynn Thilmony began pastoring

2005: Brother Woodrow Smithson resigned from pastoring due to complications with Parkinson's disease. He passed away on 2/8/2008. (Sister Victoria passed away on 2/8/2017. She was part of the congregation for approximately 46 years.)

1970: Brother Woodrow and Sister Victoria Smithson began pastoring.

1969: (approximate date) Sister Grace Henry retired.

1965: Purchased the building at 119 E Lima Street in Findlay for $15,000

1961: Approximate beginning of congregation in a home on Dayton Ave in Findlay.

Ministerial History

Brother Joshua and Sister Jeri Lynn Thilmony

2006 to Present

Brother Josh earned a Master of Divinity degree in 2023. Sister Jeri Lynn is a piano player, song leader, and youth class teacher. 

Brother Woodrow and Sister Victoria Smithson
1970 - 2005

Brother Smithson gave up his retirement at Armco Steel in Middletown, Ohio, to start pastoring in Findlay. He could quote much of the Bible from memory. Sister Smithson was an opera-style singer and an excellent piano player. 


Sister Grace Henry

1961-1969 approximate dates

Author, Highways and Hedges, a book about the ministry of E. Faith Stewart.

Lima St Church of God


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