Lima St

Church of God


Worship Services

Our worship services are on Sundays and Wednesdays. Sunday services are at 10:30 am and 5:30 pm, and Wednesday services are at 7pm. Services include congregational singing of hymns, choir songs, prayer, testimonies, exhortations, special songs, preaching, and an altar call.

Fellowship Meals

We host fellowship meals on a regular basis. The meals take various forms: Picnics, meals after prayer services, and meals after Sunday evening services.

Youth Activities

Youth Meetings
Youth classes are held at 5 pm on Sunday evenings. Sister Jeri Lynn Thilmony teaches the youth class. 

Youth Choir

Our youth choir generally practices after the Sunday morning service and sings occasionally in the Sunday and Wednesday services.

Kid’s Activities

Sunday School

Sunday School is held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. Sister Linda Hagerman is the children's teacher.

Revival Meetings

We host revival meetings several times each year. The meetings consist of nightly worship services with a guest speaker and one or more times of fellowship over a meal.


Lima St Church of God


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