Lima St

Church of God


If you would like to support for the mission of the Lima Street Church of God

Your offering will support the local operations of the church as well as needs outside the church. Approximate distribution is as follows:
*34% - local, national, and international missions; memorials.
*37% - worship and fellowship expenses, building, and grounds
*29% - local ministerial support, guest speakers
Local missions include support for the City Mission of Findlay, a local homeless shelter. We also provide assistance for rent, utilities, and groceries for low-income individuals and families.
National missions include support for the Pearl of Grace Ranch, a church of God based women's shelter. We also provide hurricane relief and support for church of God camp meeting camp grounds. 
International missions include support for our brethren and congregations in Kenya, Haiti, and the Philippines. We also provide support for organizations that distribute Bibles around the world.

Lima St Church of God


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